You can solve that by: 1 Disabling suexec in Virtualmin 2 Use an suexec binary that points to /home rather than /var/www -- an easy way to do that is to use the Virtualmin Apache packages from software.. Phpinfo php with the following code; After creating phpinfo php page browse it and if it shows Server API = Apache then server is not running PHP in Suexec mode And if Server API = CGI the server is running PHP in Suexec mode.. Well, as Joe's post mentions above, nothing 'changed' -- except that Virtualmin tests the configuration of your system better now:-) Somehow or another, you don't have Virtualmin's Apache packages, so the suexec binary on your system isn't pointing to the right place.. Delete the file on your web server after you are done You should be the only one seeing this information! How to detect the php Version? Run the phpinfo() script above. Mta Sa Rpg Gamemode Download

You can solve that by: 1 Disabling suexec in Virtualmin 2 Use an suexec binary that points to /home rather than /var/www -- an easy way to do that is to use the Virtualmin Apache packages from software.. Phpinfo php with the following code; After creating phpinfo php page browse it and if it shows Server API = Apache then server is not running PHP in Suexec mode And if Server API = CGI the server is running PHP in Suexec mode.. Well, as Joe's post mentions above, nothing 'changed' -- except that Virtualmin tests the configuration of your system better now:-) Somehow or another, you don't have Virtualmin's Apache packages, so the suexec binary on your system isn't pointing to the right place.. Delete the file on your web server after you are done You should be the only one seeing this information! How to detect the php Version? Run the phpinfo() script above. 0041d406d9 Mta Sa Rpg Gamemode Download

Check If Php Suexec Installed

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Unable to make suexec work with mod_fastcgi Installed apache2-suexec But i don't know how to check what the results of these checks are.. It contains much more information, like: • php Version • Build Date • Configuration •. turtle odyssey 2

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Check If Php Suexec Installed